Literacy for All Students
Literacy – or the ability to read and write in one or more languages – is one of the core components in the ability to thrive throughout childhood and adulthood. Unfortunately, too many students are not meeting the expected grade levels for reading at third grade, creating the foundation for long-term obstacles to learning, interaction and, ultimately, employment. In Kansas City, 250,000 adults are currently not yet literate; at SchoolSmartKC we are determined to change this number for our future generations.
SchoolSmartKC’s work in literacy is an ambitious effort combining input, partnership, funding, and collaboration from major partners around Kansas City.
The SSKC “Literacy for All Students” campaign is aimed at addressing the city-wide literacy crisis in the Kansas City Public School District (KCPS) and the Charter Schools within the KCPS boundaries. It does so by offering strategic resources and support to all 40 elementary schools. Achieving the necessary progress to ensure literacy for all is a collective effort that requires active involvement from schools, families, and the wider community. SSKC is committed to supporting local students, families, and schools, focusing on a funding strategy that addresses student reading growth in grades K-3. This multifaceted campaign will provide support essential to increasing grade-level literacy achievement across KCPES. These supports include literacy-focused instructional coaches, high-dose tutoring for all students in K-3, fellowships for both building leaders and instructional coaches, and intentional community engagement complemented by literacy resources for families.
Thanks to an investment from the Kansas City Royals Foundation and the Sherman Family Foundation, the campaign launched in the fall of 2024 in nine elementary schools.
If you’re interested in partnering with SchoolSmartKC in the fight for our students’ future, email Dr. Robin Henderson, Chief Program Officer, and rhenderson@schoolsmartkc.org.

Every KCPES elementary school student will have access to high dose tutoring and every KCPES elementary school teacher will have access to an on-site, full-time literacy coach to ensure continued support in improving literacy instruction.
The SchoolSmartKC Model For Success

Literacy Coaches
- support K-3rd grade teachers in implementing high-quality literacy instruction.
- participate in a 2-year fellowship, earning graduate credits to enhance their ability to address school-wide literacy needs.
Building Leaders
- are critical in securing resources and removing barriers for literacy success.
- engage in a 2-year fellowship program to strengthen their capacity in fostering literacy.
Family & Community Engagement
- focuses on engaging families as literacy partners to improve literacy.
- supports city-wide literacy initiatives.
High-Impact Tutors
- is a blended (online + in-person) model providing literacy support for 28 weeks annually.
- provided by trained parents, pre-service teachers, retired educators, college students and community members.
Literacy Support Organizations
- equip families as tutors, collaborators and informed literacy partners.
- partner with local businesses and the community to reinforce a city-wide literacy initiative.
- ensures quality and progress monitoring by hiring additional staff.
- partners with literacy organizations and research teams to enhance outcomes.

We thank the follow organizations for their continued commitment to growing literacy supports to students in KCPES.