Académie Lafayette
Académie Lafayette is a French-immersion charter school empowering Kansas City kids to be academically excellent, globally responsible, and participate actively in the world community. They have two elementary schools, a middle school and high school campus.

Over the last five years, SchoolSmartKC has pledged grants of over $3.1 million to Académie Lafayette.
SchoolSmartKC’s support to Académie Lafayette is founded on the central goal of improving access of our most disadvantaged populations to exceptional educational opportunities. Académie Lafayette has shown extraordinary success helping low income and minority students reach their incredible potential.
Since SSKC partnered with Académie Lafayette in 2017, we have seen the following impact:
- Expansion of its K-8 program in a newly purchased building. At full capacity, by 2025, it is anticipated Académie Lafayette will serve approximately 1,550 students in grades K-8, or 600 more than currently served, reducing their lengthy wait list.
- Académie Lafayette will have at least 75% of new, non-sibling lottery applicants come from low-income zip codes and, over its build out period, move to a schoolwide student population of nearly 40% free and reduced lunch eligible and 50% minority students.
- More parents from all KC communities can easily register their children for the charter lottery through the SchoolAppKC application.
- Staff is more able to identify risk factors and trauma in students and skilled for proactively helping in such situations.