Meeting the Challenge of Chronic Absenteeism – A One-Day Summit on November 5, 2018
SchoolSmartKC, in partnership with The United Way of Greater Kansas City and Turn The Page KC, is hosting a one-day summit focused on reducing chronic absenteeism and strengthening the connections between schools, communities, and families. Heddy Chang, Founder and CEO of Attendance Works, will be the featured speaker and is considered to be one of the nation’s expert on reducing chronic absenteeism. SSKC sees the mitigation of chronic absenteeism as part of a larger strategy to promote positive academic outcomes across our school system, and double the number of KCPSS schools that outperform or score within 10% of the state achievement average in the next 10 years. For more information, contact Cokethea Hill at chill@schoolsmartkc.org.